
I’m sick and tired of management that makes 100k+ a year giving the “reward” of free lunch for ridiculous expectations.

I work at a grocery store and this is mostly just me ranting. The GM gave our department the “deal” that for 4th quarter (which is 4 months long) if we have a 95% accuracy at the end of it she will buy us lunch. Like what kind of shit fucking deal is that? A fucking lunch for an impossible standard. All cause she wants to get her bonus when she already gets wayyyyyyy more than 100k a year salary A fucking lunch that most won't even be able to get cause of schedules and not being there and whatever else. And I bet you it'd be something stupid like fucking pizza. Like she wants us to work our fucking asses off for a fucking lunch. I don't get more money for doing more. And you want me to try more when I won't get paid for it and I'm…

I work at a grocery store and this is mostly just me ranting.

The GM gave our department the “deal” that for 4th quarter (which is 4 months long) if we have a 95% accuracy at the end of it she will buy us lunch. Like what kind of shit fucking deal is that?

A fucking lunch for an impossible standard. All cause she wants to get her bonus when she already gets wayyyyyyy more than 100k a year salary

A fucking lunch that most won't even be able to get cause of schedules and not being there and whatever else. And I bet you it'd be something stupid like fucking pizza.

Like she wants us to work our fucking asses off for a fucking lunch. I don't get more money for doing more. And you want me to try more when I won't get paid for it and I'm struggling to feed my family? Cause a 100k+ a year is way too little for you?

And not to mention that accuracy is out of our control!!! It's not my fucking fault that your managers don't order enough, or that your trucks don't get here till 8am or that the warehouses just don't have it.

Fuck your bonus. Most probably don't know that she gets bonuses for our hard work and performance. But I've been working long enough to know that when upper management pushes stupid shit it's cause they get a bonus. I also talked to another manager from a different department and he confirmed she gets more than 100k salary and bonuses for our performance.

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