
Favoring My Mental Health Over Working Harder Apparently Makes Me “Lazy” Now

So, I hate my job. I think everyone here can share that sentiment. It all just sucks. I'm miserable all the time, and the only thing I got out of giving 110% for the past 4 years is severe depression and anxiety. And it's only getting worse. I decided that since I wasn't getting anything good out of giving all my energy to this job, I would just give the bare minimum. That way, it wouldn't make my mental health even worse. Well, since I started doing that, my coworker (there's only two of us in the office, and she has seniority over me, so she basically takes charge) has been getting on my ass all the time. She nitpicks every little mistake I make: any time I forget something, she always has to point it out and chew me out for it. Doesn't even give me the chance to…

So, I hate my job. I think everyone here can share that sentiment. It all just sucks. I'm miserable all the time, and the only thing I got out of giving 110% for the past 4 years is severe depression and anxiety. And it's only getting worse.
I decided that since I wasn't getting anything good out of giving all my energy to this job, I would just give the bare minimum. That way, it wouldn't make my mental health even worse.
Well, since I started doing that, my coworker (there's only two of us in the office, and she has seniority over me, so she basically takes charge) has been getting on my ass all the time. She nitpicks every little mistake I make: any time I forget something, she always has to point it out and chew me out for it. Doesn't even give me the chance to really explain myself. This past week, I decided I would bring it up to her, since it was really starting to bother me. I told her I didn't really appreciate the way she spoke to me and that it was disrespectful. I said, “I understand that I make mistakes. Could you please tell me what exactly I'm doing wrong so I can work to correct it?”
I guess she didn't want to act as professional, since she immediately went on the defensive, saying that my mistakes are careless and I shouldn't be making them since I've been working here for four years. She called me lazy and accused me of not caring about this job.
I mean, she's not really wrong for claiming I don't care about the job—I really don't, but she doesn't need to make my life a living hell for it. And since we had this conversation, I've just been more depressed and anxious than ever. Even when I'm off the clock, I keep thinking about this stupid job and I don't know why. I'm pretty much in “job jail” right now, since this job is my only source of income and insurance, and I don't really have anywhere else to go. But it's getting worse every day and I'm running out of ways to cope. I'm kind of hitting walls everywhere I go now.

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