
Should I follow up on a resignation email?

Sent in my two weeks notice last night, around 8pm. I work at a 24hr veterinary ER and management tends to operate on a midshift schedule- from afternoon to later at night. It’s 1pm the next day, I haven’t heard anything from either manager. Should I send a text, or another email, or anything at all? I really would prefer to talk to them as little as possible, but a two weeks notice isn’t any good if no one acknowledges it.

Sent in my two weeks notice last night, around 8pm. I work at a 24hr veterinary ER and management tends to operate on a midshift schedule- from afternoon to later at night. It’s 1pm the next day, I haven’t heard anything from either manager. Should I send a text, or another email, or anything at all? I really would prefer to talk to them as little as possible, but a two weeks notice isn’t any good if no one acknowledges it.

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