Wasn't really sure where to ask this. My mother is working with a retail store that is owned by Albertsons. Has been there for a year and the store recently got a new store director in the last maybe 3 months? This store director I have never met like I had the old one (as I had worked there prior to moving) to really see, but have been told that this lady seemingly dislikes her. Really ignoring her when mom says something and generally annoyed with her. She's tried to talk to this lady that she keeps getting scheduled outside of her availability and had been told to talk to the front end manager despite the fact that she has to overlook schedules before publishing them.
Twice now has tried to schedule mom when she requests off so that she can see me when I come up once a month. The first time being told that she “never got” the paper but then said she lost it. The most recent time she went behind the assistant director who had put it in the computer and even used vacation time and tried to schedule mom. Getting mad when confronted. About 2 weeks ago, mom had to call out due to an emergency. The schedule that came out for the following week only had mom at 9 hours, when she had been getting 20 to 30. This week had been 15 but giving people with less time with thr company more hours. The store is within a union. It was union while I was there too but I never had an issue like this. Is it even legal for this lady to just cut hours for mom having been out sick twice and having to call out due to an emergency? The times she had been out sick were due to covid and kidney stone hours.