
I Walked out of a Very Shady Orientation today.

I had applied for a company on, I know it's not the best website but I am relatively new to the Austin area and I don't really know any better websites, nor do I want to walk around in Texas heat any more than I absolutely have to. The job I had applied to stated a pay rate of $800 a week to start off with and $1000 a week after I am done with training, which when you take into account my previous job experience being nothing but fast food, a potential $25 an hour seemed pretty good, assuming the job was 40 hours a week like the indeed listing said it was. Then the red flags started popping up with the first over the phone interview. The job was actually 48 hours a week, not 40, basically it would a typical 9-5 but with you working Saturday…

I had applied for a company on, I know it's not the best website but I am relatively new to the Austin area and I don't really know any better websites, nor do I want to walk around in Texas heat any more than I absolutely have to. The job I had applied to stated a pay rate of $800 a week to start off with and $1000 a week after I am done with training, which when you take into account my previous job experience being nothing but fast food, a potential $25 an hour seemed pretty good, assuming the job was 40 hours a week like the indeed listing said it was.

Then the red flags started popping up with the first over the phone interview. The job was actually 48 hours a week, not 40, basically it would a typical 9-5 but with you working Saturday as well.

The Second over the phone interview stated that the job wasn't actually handling phone calls from clients like the Indeed post said, but instead I would be a sales rep with quota's to meet. Albeit not paid on commissions like you would expect a quota based job to be.

Finally, at orientation, I was told that the training would be 6 months, as opposed to 4 weeks as I have been told, and that the training class had fees which would drop the $800 a week to $400 a week, and that after the training class I would be “Knowledgeable” enough to start up my own sales company; which they would be more than happy lending out $40,000 for me to start up my own, as long as I could pay that back within a year with interest of course.

I walked out of the orientation claiming that I was offered a better position at a different company, where the person I told put on the fakest sad face I've ever seen and said that there was a ton of opportunity here and it would be unwise to throw that all away. I still declined to continue and walked away.

Was I correct in assuming that this was a scam, basically every bone in my body was telling to GTFO of there as fast as possible.

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