
What’s Your End Game?

Nearly every post is bombarded with the same comment: “start looking for different employment.” As if the problem isn't the entire society's attitude towards work culture but rather just one or two “bad apple” employers. What's the real solution, how do you make a liveable life for yourself? Unions seem great, but starting my own union in an entirely un-unionized industry with no leverage or popular support doesn't seem like a realistic option for me. I quit my job this week to focus on freelance writing (which I was already doing as a second job, it'll just be my only job now) and that feels like a step in a positive direction, but I still have so much dread hanging over me that I'll always be at the mercy of whatever clients I can scrounge up. Maybe some of that is just anxiety from living a life being chewed up…

Nearly every post is bombarded with the same comment: “start looking for different employment.”

As if the problem isn't the entire society's attitude towards work culture but rather just one or two “bad apple” employers.

What's the real solution, how do you make a liveable life for yourself? Unions seem great, but starting my own union in an entirely un-unionized industry with no leverage or popular support doesn't seem like a realistic option for me.

I quit my job this week to focus on freelance writing (which I was already doing as a second job, it'll just be my only job now) and that feels like a step in a positive direction, but I still have so much dread hanging over me that I'll always be at the mercy of whatever clients I can scrounge up. Maybe some of that is just anxiety from living a life being chewed up and spit out by capitalism and thinking things will never get better, but the cynical part of my brain feels like that's a reasonable fear.

What do we do? How do we get out? I don't want money or power I just want to not be scared all the time. I want to know that I'll still be able to afford rent 6 months from now. I just want a “normal” life–not even an idyllic nuclear “normal,” just normal enough to know I'll survive.

But what do we do? It seems like ALL the jobs are fucked, and freelancing is a respite but it's also a constant cat and mouse with the companies trying to “disrupt freelancing”

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