
“Efficiency” in the office

In light of all the wfh and rto info we're all aware of, I found it quite entertaining that 3 of my coworkers decided to work in the office today and stole over 10 minutes of my meeting figuring out their sound and mic situation. It was lovely watching them all fuck around, not able to unmute their speakers, hearing them talking in the background because they don't typically mute themselves at home, try to use a Jabra puck and failing, etc. This was of course not a big deal to them, but for the 60 minute meeting that I lead and didn't get through the agenda, it was personally quite infuriating and disrespectful. SO worth it to them I guess, to go into the office so they can stare at each other? Just productivity things amirite. I shouldn't jinx it, but if I get told to rto I will…

In light of all the wfh and rto info we're all aware of, I found it quite entertaining that 3 of my coworkers decided to work in the office today and stole over 10 minutes of my meeting figuring out their sound and mic situation. It was lovely watching them all fuck around, not able to unmute their speakers, hearing them talking in the background because they don't typically mute themselves at home, try to use a Jabra puck and failing, etc. This was of course not a big deal to them, but for the 60 minute meeting that I lead and didn't get through the agenda, it was personally quite infuriating and disrespectful. SO worth it to them I guess, to go into the office so they can stare at each other? Just productivity things amirite. I shouldn't jinx it, but if I get told to rto I will have to cite some of these incidents as well as the fact that most of my time will go towards helping certain people use technology.

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