
Need help with workers comp in CO please

My sibling works at Costco and got hurt on the job. They said it was deemed totally at fault of another employee. My sibling’s managers said that Costco only pays workers comp the day of the injury and won’t cover any days after (even if the doctor says they shouldn’t return to work yet), and that those days after being injured at work have to be submitted as sick days if my sibling want to be paid for their time away. What recourse does my sibling have? They need help advocating for themselves, and they’re feeling bummed because even their GM said that about the sick pay. I’m unfamiliar with the state’s labor laws and I am a long time fan of this sub so I was hoping to get some support here. “No workers comp except the day you get injured” sounds fishy to me already, then when I…

My sibling works at Costco and got hurt on the job. They said it was deemed totally at fault of another employee.

My sibling’s managers said that Costco only pays workers comp the day of the injury and won’t cover any days after (even if the doctor says they shouldn’t return to work yet), and that those days after being injured at work have to be submitted as sick days if my sibling want to be paid for their time away.

What recourse does my sibling have? They need help advocating for themselves, and they’re feeling bummed because even their GM said that about the sick pay. I’m unfamiliar with the state’s labor laws and I am a long time fan of this sub so I was hoping to get some support here.

“No workers comp except the day you get injured” sounds fishy to me already, then when I thought about it more it seemed even more fishy because I remembered CO seems is one of the few states that require salary to be included in any job listing.

I told my sibling I would recommend taking unpaid time if they can financially swing it rather than sick time, because it’s typically easier to get reimbursed wages over getting sick time back.

I appreciate anyone’s time and attention on this.

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