
What would proper safety nets look like?

Although buzzwords associated with automatic responses, would it just be universal healthcare and universal basic income essentially? Things like current unemployment, TANF, SNAP, etc seem like garbage with too many hoops to jump through, too many penalties and threats for anything, and by being excessively slow even in their barely functional state they would starve many in desperate circumstances just by bureaucratic inertia. So, at the very least, faster processing times and less dire limitations could improve the current garbage programs into being merely trash instead of full-on garbage. But for a more proper “right to life, liberty,…” it shouldn't be so full of caveats. And so what if there might be “system surfers” who could otherwise be more readily exploited by garbage employers when desperate? Employers should have better conditions for workers anyways and not be so customer minded; if they made workplaces that weren't endless variations of Hell…

Although buzzwords associated with automatic responses, would it just be universal healthcare and universal basic income essentially?

Things like current unemployment, TANF, SNAP, etc seem like garbage with too many hoops to jump through, too many penalties and threats for anything, and by being excessively slow even in their barely functional state they would starve many in desperate circumstances just by bureaucratic inertia. So, at the very least, faster processing times and less dire limitations could improve the current garbage programs into being merely trash instead of full-on garbage.

But for a more proper “right to life, liberty,…” it shouldn't be so full of caveats. And so what if there might be “system surfers” who could otherwise be more readily exploited by garbage employers when desperate? Employers should have better conditions for workers anyways and not be so customer minded; if they made workplaces that weren't endless variations of Hell and actually rewarded good workers for their efforts, everyone could take pride in their work rather than just view it as a stupid job and necessary evil.

Healthcare should be for everyone and life shouldn't be valued by the wallet, it should be counted as fire and police are as a public service, or should-be public service anyhow. The excuses for absurd prices should be done away with, and things which should cost a dollar shouldn't cost ten thousand dollars.

Universal basic income should be a thing, and the cost of living shouldn't be artificially bloated either. If more people are unable to work due to automation, they should still be able to survive regardless of their utility to companies.

But what else should there be to safeguard individual life and liberties against public and private exploiters?

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