
I was assaulted by a customer at work, and my manager is refusing to let me take time off.

This is a throwaway post I'm actually really embarrassed over the whole situation. I work a shitty retail part time job that barely pays above minimum wage. I come in early, stay late, stock the things my co workers don't like stocking, I climb the ladder and change shirt plexis and pretty much do my best to bust my ass. I've had promotions and “raises” danged over my head like carrots just to be yanked back at the last second. I'm actively looking and applying for a different / new job but I just can't quit my job without having some thing else lined up. I have to work this job because I have a child to support Yesterday we had a customer come in. Apparently they called, looking for an item we sell, one of my co workers apparently told them to check some of the surrounding retail stores…

This is a throwaway post I'm actually really embarrassed over the whole situation. I work a shitty retail part time job that barely pays above minimum wage. I come in early, stay late, stock the things my co workers don't like stocking, I climb the ladder and change shirt plexis and pretty much do my best to bust my ass. I've had promotions and “raises” danged over my head like carrots just to be yanked back at the last second. I'm actively looking and applying for a different / new job but I just can't quit my job without having some thing else lined up. I have to work this job because I have a child to support

Yesterday we had a customer come in. Apparently they called, looking for an item we sell, one of my co workers apparently told them to check some of the surrounding retail stores and they couldnt find it. The customer was angry, claiming the item they “needed” was a birthday present. I was working the floor alone with one other sales associate, my store manager was in the back on her break. I tried to calm the customer down ,offered to do free shipping to our store and she could pick it up, or have it shipped to her house. That wasn't good enough, because of course she needed it “NOW”. It ended with her getting so angry, she called me a “stupid b!tch” and threw her chick fil a drink at me. My store manager didn't see any of it but when I went to the back room to get her to come out on the sales floor, she scolded me for “leaving” the lone sales associate on the floor by themselves. Like I'm fucking dripping in soda here. I said I needed to go home and change and my store manager told me to just “buy a pair of pants” from one of our racks and keep working.

I just went home and ended up crying a lot. I hate working retail but it's just what I have to do until something better comes along. I text my store manager saying I needed today off – I really can't afford to take today off but being called a name and having a drink thrown at me over something that wasn't my fault has me really shaken up. My store manager gave me so much shit. Her final text to me was “clock in on time or don't bother coming in any more” which basically translate that I need to go take some more abuse from irate customers to lose my only income which I barely survive off of and take care of my kid with.

I just want a break. I want the universe to give me a break. I'd probably cry if I got an interview from one of the hundreds of jobs I've applied for right now. I'd rather go scrub a damn toilet than work another day in retail dealing with entitled people who think it's OK to assault workers. But if I lose my job, I could lose my child and that isn't something I'm willing to risk. I know I'm not the only one dealing with this and just fantasizing about a better life but man I just need a fucking break . I'm crying just thinking about going into work today.

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