
can someone explain why texting a manager/boss is considered “unprofessional”

I'm sure most of you know what I mean, but at my old job, if I had to take a day off for health, or something, my boss wouldn't put it down as excused absence unless I actually called her instead of texting. and personally I HATE phone calls, cuz I get allot of anxiety over the phone vs just texting. and texting is just as viable as a call. so what's the deal with older ppl thinking text is “unprofessional”?

I'm sure most of you know what I mean, but at my old job, if I had to take a day off for health, or something, my boss wouldn't put it down as excused absence unless I actually called her instead of texting. and personally I HATE phone calls, cuz I get allot of anxiety over the phone vs just texting. and texting is just as viable as a call. so what's the deal with older ppl thinking text is “unprofessional”?

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