
Got fired for no reason

I (18 f) worked minimum wage, at a corporate dry cleaning place. Basically my manager was told to fire me due to 2 complaints from customers. Now maybe I would get it if it had something to do with my customer service or actual work, but no. The first incident had to do with a woman who had come after close and was angry we wouldn't let her in. Mind you I was one of 3 people and was in the back. But because she took a picture of me, without my consent btw, I got in the most trouble. Of coarse they believed her when she said she had come in before close. The second incident happened when a woman called and asked about her clothes to see if there was a problem with them. My coworker had called her earlier and left before she called back. I looked…

I (18 f) worked minimum wage, at a corporate dry cleaning place. Basically my manager was told to fire me due to 2 complaints from customers. Now maybe I would get it if it had something to do with my customer service or actual work, but no. The first incident had to do with a woman who had come after close and was angry we wouldn't let her in. Mind you I was one of 3 people and was in the back. But because she took a picture of me, without my consent btw, I got in the most trouble. Of coarse they believed her when she said she had come in before close. The second incident happened when a woman called and asked about her clothes to see if there was a problem with them. My coworker had called her earlier and left before she called back. I looked her up and found nothing wrong, I later found out there was nothing wrong. I tell her I found nothing wrong with her clothes and that if she wanted to know more she could call back when my other coworker was there. She then starts talking about how much money she gives us, I repeat what I said before. She then calls corporate to tell them how rude I was, and that she was so angry and was never giving her business to the store. Mind you there was nothing wrong with her clothes. I am fired a week after on the Monday I was supposed to come in. To top it off I had worked a 9 hour shift by myself that Saturday.

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