
Working hard isn’t worth it

Let me start off by saying when a promotion from part time to full-time came available I applied for it and thought I presented myself well. I was declined because I was pretty new to the company about 6 months. My boss told me I didn't get the position but he let me know he was super impressed by my drive and thought a lot higher of me after the interview. He told me a third full-time spot would be opening up next year (this was back in November) and he wants me to apply because there is a good chance I'll get it. The few times we actually talked about it I brought it up and he's like “I could give you the promotion now (January) but it would work better for close to June as that's when most college students will be getting out and quitting”. Which is…

Let me start off by saying when a promotion from part time to full-time came available I applied for it and thought I presented myself well. I was declined because I was pretty new to the company about 6 months. My boss told me I didn't get the position but he let me know he was super impressed by my drive and thought a lot higher of me after the interview. He told me a third full-time spot would be opening up next year (this was back in November) and he wants me to apply because there is a good chance I'll get it.

The few times we actually talked about it I brought it up and he's like “I could give you the promotion now (January) but it would work better for close to June as that's when most college students will be getting out and quitting”. Which is true as we are overstaffed currently. This drove me work extremely hard pulling some 16 hour days and covering for who ever I can. Where my boss even told the director of HR that he doesn't ever have anything to worry about because he has me. I've learned the fastest out of any employees he's ever had and he basically sees me as copycat of the best engineer they have.

Anyways the time is arriving where the job is about to be posted but one of my co-workers who has been there longer than me and was on social security the first time around was kicked off of it because he made too much money. And now he's going to apply for it. He's the only part timer that is getting benefits and a stable schedule of a constant 32 hours a week. He's one of the worst employees and is constantly slacking off and not doing his job but because everyone in the office likes him he gets away with it.

Anyways one of the full timers let me know that my boss was like “Well if X employee got it, we would just give OP his stable hours”

No fuck that, because full timers make $7 more an hour than part timers and they get a constant 40 hours a week with benefits. I'm 26 and don't have any insurance to my name and can't afford it.

Bottom line, if he gets it. I'm quitting.

TLDR – Was basically promised a promotion that pays $7 more, more hours and has benefits but there is current talks about maybe promoting my co-worker who has been there longer because he is off social security but is virtually dead weight as he doesn't do anything. My plan is to quit if I get passed on it.

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