
I want to make a living wageeeee

Ughhhhhhhhhhhh I have to go into work for an extra two hours tomorrow and I couldn't be more miserable!!! I hate going to the most rancid place in town I literally feel like I work at the hell factory, and for literally minimum wage!! I don't know how they did it but they got me to go from receptionist to receptionist + billing. And then receptionist + billing + janitorial + equipment upkeep + social media manager + a ton of other shit. For minimum wage!!!!!! I want to quit so fucking bad but there's not many other places I can work right now that will accommodate my disability. Not like here does, of course, but I got my foot in the door. I just wish it didn't feel like they slammed it on my foot as soon as they could!!! I just want to make a living wage but…

Ughhhhhhhhhhhh I have to go into work for an extra two hours tomorrow and I couldn't be more miserable!!! I hate going to the most rancid place in town I literally feel like I work at the hell factory, and for literally minimum wage!! I don't know how they did it but they got me to go from receptionist to receptionist + billing. And then receptionist + billing + janitorial + equipment upkeep + social media manager + a ton of other shit. For minimum wage!!!!!! I want to quit so fucking bad but there's not many other places I can work right now that will accommodate my disability. Not like here does, of course, but I got my foot in the door. I just wish it didn't feel like they slammed it on my foot as soon as they could!!! I just want to make a living wage but literally I make enough for food + one utility THAT'S IT.

And omfg they never ever EVER thank me for all the extra shit I do. At this point I've taken on at least 3 jobs and all I hear is the stuff I forget to do. And I don't know what to tell them!! It feels like they're working me to the bone because they REFUSE to hire above the bare minimum. Literally not even a skeleton crew, more like a skeleton that's missing a majority of it's bones. I've never heard them thank me for anything at all, but if I forget to mop the damn court once, yep, it's all I'm hearing about the next day. Boss hid the most important file within a maze of subfolders? How dare I not find it!! And how dare I not ask him where it was over the weekend, when he insists he shouldn't be contacted!! Ugh!!!!

Why why why do they make us feel like we're shit at our jobs when they're asking us to do stuff that's virtually impossible. Yeah, go do all these tasks AWAY FROM THE DESK, and deal with a line of people angry at you because you were gone mopping all the tile floor rooms for 20 mins. Jesus. Cannot wait to leave

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