
Former job trying me

I was hired as a permanent substitute teacher. I do not have a license to teach nor a bachelor's degree. But I was put in charge of teaching an 8th grade science class. During this time I made some mistakes that I was not aware of and each time I always reached out if I was unsure of something. I was recently terminated from my job for allegedly talking to children about sexual stuff (only stuff i talked to them about is to please use protection as i didnt want any of them to be teenage parents), letting students draw sexual graffiti on my white board, hitting students and encouraging others hit, bribing students to keep said behavior quiet, and talking about other teachers. Now most of this I can argue is incorrect and false. I was alerted to my termination from a student who found my personal social media…

I was hired as a permanent substitute teacher. I do not have a license to teach nor a bachelor's degree. But I was put in charge of teaching an 8th grade science class.

During this time I made some mistakes that I was not aware of and each time I always reached out if I was unsure of something.

I was recently terminated from my job for allegedly talking to children about sexual stuff (only stuff i talked to them about is to please use protection as i didnt want any of them to be teenage parents), letting students draw sexual graffiti on my white board, hitting students and encouraging others hit, bribing students to keep said behavior quiet, and talking about other teachers.

Now most of this I can argue is incorrect and false. I was alerted to my termination from a student who found my personal social media and they alerted me telling me that the school sent out the message to all 8th grade parents that I was terminated. I then messaged the principal asking what was going on and I was told I was going to get a message from someone that night.

I got a message from someone is district saying telling me my allegations and that I that they would let me argue my case so the governing board would decide if they would terminate me or not. But that was a lie as I was already terminated from my job.

They then said I'm not allowed to talk to anyone who works for the district nor am I allowed to talk to any students. I'm no longer a employee of theirs. The state of Arizona says they aren't allowed to do that. I was fine with all of it. Then last week I see that teachers I had no previous contact with was stalking my my personal social media. Meaning someone at the school is passing around my personal information. When I tried to get ahold of the superintendt or HR to alert them of this the woman who fired me said she would press charges as I disobeyed her order as a administrator of the school of who I'm allowed to talk to. And said it's not her problem that my information is being passed around.

I get another message from a former student asking about where I am and I replied I'm not working there anymore and asked if anyone has touched my personal effects. That was the end of the conversation.

Another student messaged me telling me the school MADE all students write a statement without parents aware of about me. I'm worried they are trying to get me charged with something when I'm trying to put it all behind me.

They also won't let me collect my personal items. I need help on what to do.

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