
Promoted to Store Manager and asked to do 20 extra hours per week of un-paid labour to keep my position

I've been promoted to store manager at a large retail store and my store has fallen a little bit because of poor upper management sending wrong stock deliveries to us and delivering over 50 cartons (about 1000 + units of clothing) per day with one other staff on the whole day to unpack and put out onto the shop floor and serve customers. It's impossible. ​ I was told if I wanted to keep my position I would have to do an extra 2 hours in the morning before I started my shift and 2 hours after, to get jobs done, equalling out at around 20 hours of extra un-paid labour per week ontop of a 38 hour working week. They refuse to hire more staff, and won't give anymore hours for my current staff. I've been in the position for about 3 months and have already doubled the store's…

I've been promoted to store manager at a large retail store and my store has fallen a little bit because of poor upper management sending wrong stock deliveries to us and delivering over 50 cartons (about 1000 + units of clothing) per day with one other staff on the whole day to unpack and put out onto the shop floor and serve customers. It's impossible.

I was told if I wanted to keep my position I would have to do an extra 2 hours in the morning before I started my shift and 2 hours after, to get jobs done, equalling out at around 20 hours of extra un-paid labour per week ontop of a 38 hour working week. They refuse to hire more staff, and won't give anymore hours for my current staff. I've been in the position for about 3 months and have already doubled the store's revenue. its ridiculous.

After being told that, I am just going to do the bare minimum… Thoughts?

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