
Literally had to ask new parent company to stop using the word “exploit.”

This was some years back when I was working at a small company that was being acquired by a large corporation. As the new CEO began their big pitch for how we fit into the bigger picture, they kept saying things like “We want to exploit your talent for…” and “If we can exploit this…” at least two or three times before someone from our company literally had to interrupt, politely ask them to stop using the word “exploit” and explain to this corporate sociopath why the word carries such negative connotations. Then in 2014 they laid off my department, along with two others full of many friends. It was my dream job, and just I happened to luck into it right out of college. It's been a struggle ever since, but I fight to stay strong for my kids. Much love to anyone else out there who has been…

This was some years back when I was working at a small company that was being acquired by a large corporation. As the new CEO began their big pitch for how we fit into the bigger picture, they kept saying things like “We want to exploit your talent for…” and “If we can exploit this…” at least two or three times before someone from our company literally had to interrupt, politely ask them to stop using the word “exploit” and explain to this corporate sociopath why the word carries such negative connotations.

Then in 2014 they laid off my department, along with two others full of many friends. It was my dream job, and just I happened to luck into it right out of college. It's been a struggle ever since, but I fight to stay strong for my kids.

Much love to anyone else out there who has been through the corporate wringer <3 you were worth so much more than those heartless bastards ever knew.

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