It has been drilled into our heads starting from pre-school onward. We must go to class early in the morning and leave in the afternoon. Math, English, history, science and electives! Teachers that tell you how to behave. Then you are off to college. In college you must be a full time student to get better college tuition. Most college students work while going to school. And then when you are done with school, you have to pay all that money back that you owe. This can be very expensive depending on the school you go to. Nearly every career has this whole “work your ass off” approach. Most people in America work more than 40 hours a week and still live paycheck to paycheck. If they don't they deal with commuting to certain places which may take an hour or more plus the expensive gas of course.
We the workers allow this broken system to run when we should be striking demanding better wages and starting a revolution.