
Feeling guilty for not wanting to work 50-60 hours a week doing manual labor.

I have a job that requires a lot of standing doing manual labor with your hands and everyone I know there has sore hands from time to time. We are being rushed every day and even though production numbers are increasing, it's never enough to satisfy the bosses. They expect 100% efficiency, no errors and 110% effort from everyone every day. I'm also on an overnight shift, so what off time I do get is cut by the fact that I sleep through half of the day. When you do get a day off, you only actually get half the day off. We are required to work 5-6 days a week but we do get days off that we can work. I opted to take a day off and people are making me feel a bit shameful for not working the extra and getting more overtime. Some of my coworkers…

I have a job that requires a lot of standing doing manual labor with your hands and everyone I know there has sore hands from time to time. We are being rushed every day and even though production numbers are increasing, it's never enough to satisfy the bosses. They expect 100% efficiency, no errors and 110% effort from everyone every day. I'm also on an overnight shift, so what off time I do get is cut by the fact that I sleep through half of the day. When you do get a day off, you only actually get half the day off. We are required to work 5-6 days a week but we do get days off that we can work. I opted to take a day off and people are making me feel a bit shameful for not working the extra and getting more overtime. Some of my coworkers work as much as they possibly can and they even work 16-hour shifts. I don't think that's healthy for anyone. I was able to get 40 hours in 4 days and I just want a break from it. People are quitting left and right. As soon as one person gets trained, two more quit. You would think that with the nature of the work being physical that everyone should be in shape and healthy. But that's not the case. 80% of the people there are obese. We don't have any good food options available to us and most people either eat a packed lunch or order fried food off of a food truck. Working like this makes it hard to cook at home as well. You just don't have the time to do much of anything. So yeah, I took the day off. Why is it that I still feel guilty knowing that the people I work with don't have a problem with how things are.

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