
School helping to create antiworker

My kid got up this morning sleep deprived agitated and stressed out from working so hard on the school play recently. We decided that he should take the day and get some sleep and work on some homework and things will turn out better. But the school said if he didn't show up by 11:30 he couldn't be in the play. He didn't want to let down his cast mates or director for two nights he went ahead and got ready to go and we got him in before. I explained to him that the system doesn't care about his health physical or mental health. All they care about is making people comply through fear and exploitation. I told him to keep his head down and do the bare minimum, to get what he wants out of the situation. But in the future, when he is in a position of…

My kid got up this morning sleep deprived agitated and stressed out from working so hard on the school play recently. We decided that he should take the day and get some sleep and work on some homework and things will turn out better. But the school said if he didn't show up by 11:30 he couldn't be in the play. He didn't want to let down his cast mates or director for two nights he went ahead and got ready to go and we got him in before. I explained to him that the system doesn't care about his health physical or mental health. All they care about is making people comply through fear and exploitation. I told him to keep his head down and do the bare minimum, to get what he wants out of the situation. But in the future, when he is in a position of power, do not treat people that way. It is exploitative and demeaning. They think they're doing the right thing, to get students ready for the work world; but that doesn't exist anymore. The era where you work hard and long and commit to a company and they'll take care of you stopped existing in the early 90s. An affordable health system stopped existing in the late 90s. They're not preparing our students for the modern world, but for a broken system that no longer serves a population at Large.

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