
Being referred to as a young student at work

I’ve previously been a graduate student and worked as a research assistant after obtaining my degree in three majors and a graduate degree in chemistry. I’ve studied for years and now got a job in a small company that develops diagnostic devices. I’ve been introduced by higher up people in emails to others as “young student” even though my role in the company is a research chemist and I work full time and I have already passed the stage of student. There are people in the company who don’t even have graduate degrees and no one refers to them in that manner. I put in a lot into this job, I’m expected to work after hours without pay and overall the work is very stressful since I’m the only chemist in the company and they want a lot of chemistry done. It makes me feel inferior since people will question…

I’ve previously been a graduate student and worked as a research assistant after obtaining my degree in three majors and a graduate degree in chemistry. I’ve studied for years and now got a job in a small company that develops diagnostic devices. I’ve been introduced by higher up people in emails to others as “young student” even though my role in the company is a research chemist and I work full time and I have already passed the stage of student. There are people in the company who don’t even have graduate degrees and no one refers to them in that manner. I put in a lot into this job, I’m expected to work after hours without pay and overall the work is very stressful since I’m the only chemist in the company and they want a lot of chemistry done. It makes me feel inferior since people will question my capabilities if they think I’m a student still “learning”. I am not that young even though people always think I am younger than I am. I’m 25. This has also morphed into higher ups emailing me on weekends and constantly checking in and rushing me with my work, however my manager is very happy with the work that I do and she treats me like a worker, not some student who has to work 24/7. I’m confused and don’t know if it’s worth having a fit over. I feel like I’m being doubted now, even though I have a high track record with my work in research and I put in a great deal of effort in the work that I do.

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