
What’s the premium for brutality?

I scroll this sub often before work everyday, and it’s leading me to understand that the grass could be greener elsewhere as my company has stagnated my career in terms of pay/upwards mobility. I’ve started applying to other places in my industry and I’m stuck between a less demanding job where I could make $80-$90k a year and a rather brutal/difficult role where I would have to go three times as hard but could potentially make around $200k+ (also this would require a move) I feel like both of these positions would be an improvement from my current role, but I’m not sure if I want to work my chops off for that extra money because I’ve heard that company and role is very demanding and soul-sucking. So I come to you all, my guiding light, to ask what is the premium for brutality in the workplace(I know $100k extra…

I scroll this sub often before work everyday, and it’s leading me to understand that the grass could be greener elsewhere as my company has stagnated my career in terms of pay/upwards mobility. I’ve started applying to other places in my industry and I’m stuck between a less demanding job where I could make $80-$90k a year and a rather brutal/difficult role where I would have to go three times as hard but could potentially make around $200k+ (also this would require a move)

I feel like both of these positions would be an improvement from my current role, but I’m not sure if I want to work my chops off for that extra money because I’ve heard that company and role is very demanding and soul-sucking. So I come to you all, my guiding light, to ask what is the premium for brutality in the workplace(I know $100k extra looks pretty, but at what cost)

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