
Are my feelings about work, internship and pay justified?

So, let me elaborate; I’m a 26-year old working as a trainee at a grocery store, and I have a Bachelor of Business Administration degree, marketing being my speciality. I’m also engaged, and my partner is pregnant. Currently my employee contract is 20 hours a week, 10,01€ an hour, contract lasting to the end of September. And I f’n hate it. I graduated last autumn, after that I was unemployed up to the start of the last month, living with unemployment checks. Sure, it wasn’t what I was expecting during school, but it was fine. My partner also had unemployment checks of her own. But, after we moved in together two months ago, the ammount of unemployment support dropped, the reason being that two people live together = share the money, basically. The thing is, I make like 800-850€ a month with my job, while living with checks gave me…

So, let me elaborate; I’m a 26-year old working as a trainee at a grocery store, and I have a Bachelor of Business Administration degree, marketing being my speciality. I’m also engaged, and my partner is pregnant.

Currently my employee contract is 20 hours a week, 10,01€ an hour, contract lasting to the end of September. And I f’n hate it. I graduated last autumn, after that I was unemployed up to the start of the last month, living with unemployment checks. Sure, it wasn’t what I was expecting during school, but it was fine. My partner also had unemployment checks of her own.

But, after we moved in together two months ago, the ammount of unemployment support dropped, the reason being that two people live together = share the money, basically. The thing is, I make like 800-850€ a month with my job, while living with checks gave me a little less than 700 per month. And the job at grocery store is exhausting me, the store is small(ish) so everybody does everything; in the morning one puts produce on the shelf, works register, puts baked goods in the oven, cleans the store floor, you name it.

There’s the rundown. Thing is, I didn’t go to school for almost six years so I could spend my days filling shelves, ringin products and mopping floors for that kind of pay and with those hours. Sure, it’s just 20 hours a week, but if you hate every minute of it, is it really your place to be. Yeah, my mother in law said ”you gotta start somewhere” but if I don’t wanna start there? My dad said ”as long as work is honest, it’s good work”, I’m not hating cashier as profession, apppreciate every second they do what they do, but it isn’t for me. Then there’s the social life. I feel we’ve distanced, my partner and I, since I started working. She’s pregnant, which means tired, hungry, feeling sick 24/7. All her friends are working, or at school during the day so she’s practicly alone in the house. So you see why I’m kinda hating my job, doubt that I’ll continue as a regular if they offer me a new contract in autumn.
I am an artistic soul, I write and read poetry and I have vivid inagination, I don’t wanna be just a number in some capitalistic pyramid for the end of my days. I have a family coming.

TL/DR; working as an intern at a grocery store making 800-850€/month, while unemployment checks gave me some 700€. Have a business degree, feels like years spent in school got me nowhere. Me & pregnant partner lost most of our support check money since I started working & we moved in together.

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