
I’m just kinda depressed

I feel like the way things are currently, and will be for the foreseeable future if nothing changes, just sets average Americans like myself up for a lifetime of living paycheck to paycheck. I make $20/hr and work 40hrs a week which is actually pretty damn good for my area. I thought I’d be able to afford so much more than I can. Me and and gf are just starting out (23&21) but it’s such a depressing start. I have no idea how we would afford to raise a child or even have time to spend with said child. We both work full time. I hate the thought of just slaving away at a job just to have the bare essentials. I want to have left over money to actually enjoy our lives together, take vacations, buy things we enjoy. But almost everything is going to go to bills. I’m…

I feel like the way things are currently, and will be for the foreseeable future if nothing changes, just sets average Americans like myself up for a lifetime of living paycheck to paycheck. I make $20/hr and work 40hrs a week which is actually pretty damn good for my area. I thought I’d be able to afford so much more than I can. Me and and gf are just starting out (23&21) but it’s such a depressing start. I have no idea how we would afford to raise a child or even have time to spend with said child. We both work full time. I hate the thought of just slaving away at a job just to have the bare essentials. I want to have left over money to actually enjoy our lives together, take vacations, buy things we enjoy. But almost everything is going to go to bills. I’m growing a hatred in me for the rich. All I do is worry about making the money they wipe their ass with. My company made $19M in a quarter and my last raise was 60¢…

I’m nearly fully convinced the government and big companies work together to keep us busy. That’s the whole goal. Keep us busy so we don’t have time to see everything they do. I’m ready for something to change, but we’re all too busy to really do something…and that’s exactly what they want.

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