
New Boss & Tip Pooling

Hi everyone! So I’m writing this post because I’m new to the concept of tip pooling and I was informed over the weekend while receiving my first paycheck from my new boss, that when the other store manager returns from her vacation I will have to split my tips with her and the high schooler they are hiring for the summer. What the hell. And I’m the only employee with a college degree in my field of work that is the theme of this business and I make five dollars less than the manager woman who doesn’t have a degree and is my same age with less work experience. The job pays $15hr plus the tips, but the tips for my work are significantly more than the tips the manager gets during the week (I do the birthday parties alone which are two hour marathons so I feel it’s unfair…

Hi everyone! So I’m writing this post because I’m new to the concept of tip pooling and I was informed over the weekend while receiving my first paycheck from my new boss, that when the other store manager returns from her vacation I will have to split my tips with her and the high schooler they are hiring for the summer. What the hell. And I’m the only employee with a college degree in my field of work that is the theme of this business and I make five dollars less than the manager woman who doesn’t have a degree and is my same age with less work experience. The job pays $15hr plus the tips, but the tips for my work are significantly more than the tips the manager gets during the week (I do the birthday parties alone which are two hour marathons so I feel it’s unfair they should get to take part of that since they do no work to help with those events).
The owner also is taking tips too, and I saw him split a cash tip given by a customer for me in half and pocket the rest. The store is run so unprofessionally, an autistic child escaped from the building bc the boss was hot and propped the door open, there’s no standards of procedure, there’s no time sheets, when it came time to pay me he had me just write it on a sticky note and then he fought me about the minutes.
Needless to say—
I’m uncomfortable. These are the red flags and gaslighting so far:
– boss not being clear or upfront about the policy re:pooling tips, complaining about entitled workers asking for too much
-making multiple ongoing jokes privately and in front of customers about my having a degree in my field, what a stupid field of work it is and then bragging about hiring the other manager without a degree
-boss gushing and bragging about his business degree after mocking mine
– making fun of another colleague that left because she also has my same degree and felt the pay was unfair and quit (he went on an angry rant about how expensive his business is to run, those selfish selfish workers trying to take profits from his kids dinner plates 🤡)
– as mentioned, there are no standards of procedure or training, expected to just know how to make their projects and then mocked when asking questions about procedure(he said something like oh what didn’t they teach you this in your college!? In front of the customer too 🤡) and yet he brags about franchising it someday
-I was hired almost instantly and then expected to start on a day I explicitly said I was unavailable; later mocked for “not wanting to work that much” (bosses words not mine). Manager girl said “well I would like to have my life back too!” When I said I was not available to work both full weekend days
– no breaks or lunch for an 8 hour work day, not even any mention of it since being hired, though boss takes his hour lunch and just sits at his desk all day and though he had agreed when he hired me to let me take my break to run home and let my dogs out during long shifts
– (hilariously) my boss scratched his dick/balls very obviously while seated next to me & showing me how to use his cricket machine and then told me about his failed love life and current romantic pursuits, loves to brag about his white boy karate skills and show off what a manly man he is 🤢🤮
– boss frequently mansplains ignorantly about topics related to my field of work that he admits he knows nothing about and laughs at among other topics inappropriate for work including political issues—-but the cherry on top is over the weekend he quoted Andrew Tate as a source of wisdom for what is wrong in the world today 🤔

So is it worth it? To continue working here or bringing up that I feel tip pooling is unfair?

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