
Corporate jet using remote exec complains that others WFH too much

I had drinks with my old boss this weekend (I quit the company years ago). She mentioned that her boss’ boss had sold his house and moved 2 states away and was using the corporate jet to come back and forth, though he was clearly in his retirement beach home on many calls. She said that this guy shows up on campus to complain that others are working remotely too much. This guy makes around $5 million/year and commutes to campus in a corporate jet, but complains about others working remotely??? So infuriating

I had drinks with my old boss this weekend (I quit the company years ago). She mentioned that her boss’ boss had sold his house and moved 2 states away and was using the corporate jet to come back and forth, though he was clearly in his retirement beach home on many calls. She said that this guy shows up on campus to complain that others are working remotely too much. This guy makes around $5 million/year and commutes to campus in a corporate jet, but complains about others working remotely???
So infuriating

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