Should I sign this?
Basically, what my job is, is to keep people from canceling our services. The other team is primarily supposed to handle P-Flips (CC – Checking). They been riding us harder lately, convincing elderly people to keep devices half of them don’t need (the method is a bit scam-like if I’m being honest).
Problem is, doing “P-flips” jeopardizes my saves, which risk me losing commission. So if doing the P-Flip causes the person to change their mind and cancel, I get fired for not having enough saves. But now this P-Flip thing is happening too. It’s getting harder and harder to keep people now that insurance has these devices for free.
My biggest issue is, if I get a disciplinary action,I lose my commission. Add in they talking about removing overtime (I work 57 hours a week just to barely survive) and I’m absolutely livid.
I already polished off my resume. Just what should I do about this shit?