
Offered me a job, then changed my hours. So sick of this

I was offered a job last month to start immediately. As my current role is just in the mornings, I said I could work afternoons until my notice ends, but after that I would need at least a 0.6 role as I have a son to support and a mortgage to pay by myself. Got the call after the interview – would I be interested in a 0.2 role until my notice ends with an upgrade to 0.6 after I've worked my notice? I said, of course. Don't worry, they said, we will send a contract. It'll say 0.2 but we will renegotiate in a month. I start work, get first aid trained, spend money on outdoor gear (the role is outdoors), and then mention in passing that I'm excited to go up to 0.6 as I'm enjoying the role so much. Oh no, they say. You're not moving up…

I was offered a job last month to start immediately. As my current role is just in the mornings, I said I could work afternoons until my notice ends, but after that I would need at least a 0.6 role as I have a son to support and a mortgage to pay by myself.

Got the call after the interview – would I be interested in a 0.2 role until my notice ends with an upgrade to 0.6 after I've worked my notice? I said, of course. Don't worry, they said, we will send a contract. It'll say 0.2 but we will renegotiate in a month.

I start work, get first aid trained, spend money on outdoor gear (the role is outdoors), and then mention in passing that I'm excited to go up to 0.6 as I'm enjoying the role so much.

Oh no, they say. You're not moving up to 0.6. We hired a 0.4, you're on 0.2 forever.

I told them I can't support my family on 0.2. I know I'm stupid for not getting it in writing, but it's too late for that now and I don't know what to do. I'm seeing the man who hired me this afternoon. What do I say to him?

I'm disabled and this job was perfect for me – part time, enabled me to exercise, decent hours around childcare. I doubt I'll find anything else at such short notice that accommodates both my childcare needs and physical issues. I'm panicking.

Why are they allowed to do this?

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