
Got into an argument with my supervisor and now I wanna quit

I had a scheduling issue that couldn't be avoided and it was a bit last minute. However, I did EVERYTHING in my power to work with this lady (supervisor in charge of scheduling) and try to fix the situation so I could continue seeing one of my clients. I go up to her yesterday to try to have a conversation about talking with the client to adapt their schedule so that we could continue working together, and this woman straight up attacks me in front of my boss and another colleague. I apologize as sincerely as I can and continue trying to steer the conversation towards coming up with a solution. Nah. This lady isn't having it and continues to be extremely aggressive with me and starts making claims about the situation that aren't true in front of ny boss (you only gave me a two day, notice, etc.). This…

I had a scheduling issue that couldn't be avoided and it was a bit last minute. However, I did EVERYTHING in my power to work with this lady (supervisor in charge of scheduling) and try to fix the situation so I could continue seeing one of my clients. I go up to her yesterday to try to have a conversation about talking with the client to adapt their schedule so that we could continue working together, and this woman straight up attacks me in front of my boss and another colleague. I apologize as sincerely as I can and continue trying to steer the conversation towards coming up with a solution. Nah. This lady isn't having it and continues to be extremely aggressive with me and starts making claims about the situation that aren't true in front of ny boss (you only gave me a two day, notice, etc.). This was simply not true and I expressed that to her. She continues barking at me until I basically said If you don't want to come up with a solution that's fine and walked away.

Here's the thing. I'm pissed that my boss was in the room and didn't intervene. If one employee is being unprofessional and attacking another employee it is YOUR job to intervene and not leave me to defend myself. At the very least this woman should have talked to me privately. The environment after this was so hostile it was difficult for me to do my work. This isn't the first communication issue I've had at this job. The management is just extremely incompetent all around. Am I making too big a deal of this? I'm trying to decide if I should a. Talk to my boss or
B. Look for another job.

I have only been at this job 4 months and I have already outpaced everyone, my numbers are off the charts. I am highly ovequalified for this position but I needed a job that is flexible while I finish my PhD. Any advice would be helpful because it has been extremely tense at work since this happened.

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