
I was contacted with what I thought was a job offer on LinkedIn, only to be told I was not the right fit via email.

Title says it all. Got a DM on LinkedIn late last Friday evening from a recruiter of a clothing brand, as I'm an apparel designer. Message literally says “Hello. There is a design role/project at [Company], that I would like to discuss with you. If you are interested, please email me at [email] with your resume and examples of your work and we can discuss next steps. Thank you for your time and consideration, -Recruiter” How am I not supposed to take that as anything other than a job offer? My excitement was palpable! My art portfolio is the only site linked on my resume, so I assumed they were liking what they saw. I emailed them back within minutes that same day not expecting to hear back until Monday. My email included both an updated resume and the same link to my online portfolio. Queue a weekend of happy…

Title says it all.

Got a DM on LinkedIn late last Friday evening from a recruiter of a clothing brand, as I'm an apparel designer.

Message literally says “Hello. There is a design role/project at [Company], that I would like to discuss with you. If you are interested, please email me at [email] with your resume and examples of your work and we can discuss next steps. Thank you for your time and consideration, -Recruiter

How am I not supposed to take that as anything other than a job offer? My excitement was palpable! My art portfolio is the only site linked on my resume, so I assumed they were liking what they saw. I emailed them back within minutes that same day not expecting to hear back until Monday. My email included both an updated resume and the same link to my online portfolio. Queue a weekend of happy thoughts! New opportunities coming!

Waited and did my normal thing on Monday. No reply to the email.

This morning (Tuesday) I email with a casual “Oh, I should have also provided this link of currently released apparel designs” (which IS located on my portfolio site, but why not point it out directly?) and within a few minutes received this email reply:

Hi Zarting.

I wanted to follow up.

Thank you for taking the time to apply with us.
We do not have the right fit for you right now but we are growing like crazy and I was hoping to hold on to your info, for future opportunities. Would that be ok?
Thank you and best regards,

I mean, I guess? What terrible way of recruiting and reaching out to potential employees. Please tell me I'm not crazy for getting my hopes up about their initial message? Was I reading too much into it, or not enough? The stress of not being able to afford the cost of living is already messing me up, but to add this on top is just a bit much.

Sorry, rant over.

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