
Seeing everyday that these companies don’t care about us….

Just a rant: So I am expecting a kid soon. I had a meeting with my bosses today about a few topics: a raise, or promotion, ect. While in this meeting, I showed figures that showed how my productivity translated into profit. To be frank, it’s A LOT! I was asked to produce these numbers beforehand. One of my bosses asked me a question that completely shocked me. After I finished speaking, he says, “Look, I’m gonna be blunt…Do you ever want to own a house for your future family?” These guys know my wife is expecting, however I thought the question to be odd. I wanted to respond but I knew some MAJOR BS was following. And I wasn’t wrong. He follows up with “because with the amount you are working currently, you’ll never get there.” He them gave me the run of the mill “millennials are lazy” speech,…

Just a rant: So I am expecting a kid soon. I had a meeting with my bosses today about a few topics: a raise, or promotion, ect. While in this meeting, I showed figures that showed how my productivity translated into profit. To be frank, it’s A LOT! I was asked to produce these numbers beforehand.

One of my bosses asked me a question that completely shocked me. After I finished speaking, he says, “Look, I’m gonna be blunt…Do you ever want to own a house for your future family?” These guys know my wife is expecting, however I thought the question to be odd. I wanted to respond but I knew some MAJOR BS was following. And I wasn’t wrong.

He follows up with “because with the amount you are working currently, you’ll never get there.” He them gave me the run of the mill “millennials are lazy” speech, and then offered to up my hours….

Here is the deal. I already work 55-60 hours a week, not including hours I’m called in. I am also a full time student online. And I’m expecting a kid.. and your offer is to take MORE of my time… I’ve lost all hope in thinking that any company cares. They all want to work you until you are just a shell of yourself, void of happiness, and feeling. They act as though you are important, when anything you share with them personally is just leverage for them to try and suck more from you, even if you are already empty. It’s demotivating. It sucks. They dangle just enough in front of you just to keep you aware that you don’t have enough and need to keep a working while they are hoarding wealth… I don’t even know the purpose of this rant anymore. I just needed to share somewhere!

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