Hey all, long time lurker, first time poster. Maybe not the appropriate place to ask this but I see a lot of people talking about success in turning a hobby into a source of income so hoping to get some tips.
Currently employed in the educational sector. Tired of the disrespect by students, but especially by superiors while getting crap pay and looking to turn a hobby into something that can be financially productive.
I really love writing, and over the years I’ve started to gain more confidence in its quality as I’ve received more and more praise from friends, peers, co-workers and past college professors. When I was younger I briefly did an up work gig where I would ghostwrite a variety of different articles for various companies, but the pay rate was something like $3.00 per 500 words, and work was typically scant.
I’m wondering what steps I should take to try this process again. Is there a specific company I should look into? Should I create a portfolio with the intention of freelance, and if so, how should I build it? I’m comfortable with writing most anything-from information pieces to academic papers (provided I’m familiar with the subject) to fiction and non-fiction.
I really love learning about people and I considered maybe helping other people less inclined to the written word compose their biography, but I’m eager to hear other ideas and maybe some suggestions on how to get started.