
Just venting a bit about my job of 8 years that I’m about to leave

So I work for a medium sized business with about 60 people, factory, office, and semi-truck/diesel maintenance shop. I started as a forklift driver and only worked about 3-4 months in the warehouse before I got an office position. Now I do IT, receipt clerk duties, as well as updating vendor records and inventory. I oversee manufacturing/production records every day and fix discrepancies to keep raw good costs within margin. I do profit analysis on every red-iron building this place produces, as well as lots of other things.. I do a lot of very basic IT stuff that older folks need help with a lot, which is easy. I also take the trash out, basically I gather up all the scrap paper and bring it to a recycling place in the company truck. I do lots of other bullshit, and I'm spread out to every single department. I'm not a…

So I work for a medium sized business with about 60 people, factory, office, and semi-truck/diesel maintenance shop. I started as a forklift driver and only worked about 3-4 months in the warehouse before I got an office position. Now I do IT, receipt clerk duties, as well as updating vendor records and inventory. I oversee manufacturing/production records every day and fix discrepancies to keep raw good costs within margin. I do profit analysis on every red-iron building this place produces, as well as lots of other things.. I do a lot of very basic IT stuff that older folks need help with a lot, which is easy. I also take the trash out, basically I gather up all the scrap paper and bring it to a recycling place in the company truck. I do lots of other bullshit, and I'm spread out to every single department. I'm not a manager, and I never wanted to be one, but I would've taken that position with a raise if offered.

Over the past couple years the owner has hired in his two sons directly into really gravy and high paying sales jobs, and after a year, moved one of them to our plant manager. It's obviously way above this kids head and he doesn't know what he's doing, nor does he care. I have seen him drinking beer in his office before, taking naps, etc. Not to mention his dad(the owner) comes in to his lavishly decorated office nearly every day to look at porn on his PC. I've never seen it on his monitor because he has it facing away from his door, but I am one of like 3 people with access to the firewall, and he's constantly looking at hardcore porn and I think he's jacking it in there.

Anyway, none of my business right? I don't really care. I'm more fed up with the nepotism, and my raises have stagnated considerably, even though the company has made record profit over the last couple years. And we got a nice bonus, which I can't complain, but I'm not going to continue to do this for $18.25 an hour, while projects and more responsibilities pile up on me. I've become disgruntled as fuck. They changed our eval/raise date to the summer instead of Christmas this last year, and my raise was only 30 cents compared to 2+ dollars like previous raises. I seen forklift drivers get $4 dollar raises and being bumped up to over $22-24/hr while I got a fucking 30 cent raise.

The crazy thing is no one expects me to quit. I think they think I can't find another job?? Anyway.. I have an interview for an accounting position this Friday for a city government office that I think will be waaay more gravy than this place.. A non-profit non-production based environment I think will be much less toxic with a much less work load.. I have a few friends and my wife included who work city/county govt jobs and they love it.. Way more fulfilling, and in some of those positions you actually get to help people! Instead of making some rich fucking douche pervert richer.

I guess my weird rant is over. I hate working, but I feel like if we have to, some government jobs and other non-profits like nursing can be much more fulfilling. Planning on bouncing around for a while if I'm not a good fit at this place(if I get the job). I haven't had to look for a job in nearly 10 years, so this is nerve wracking and exciting for me at the same time.

Edit: Oh I forgot to mention.. There's this girl who works here, who she has a lot of health problems and probably should be on disability.. She lives with and takes care of her mom who is kinda in the same boat, but older(obviously).. This company has a rent house on the premises that they rent out to employees for super cheap, like 400/month.. This lady and her mom live in that house. Now I used to really dislike this girl, but I have kind of grown to sympathize for her.. She's a big ass kisser, but you know what? I get it. Not only is her job on the line, if she loses it, that's basically an eviction notice. Just wanted to mention how fucked up that entire situation is.

Hope everyone here is doing well. <3

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