
Hell really is other people, I give up!!!

I've been working for a dodgy security company for two months, but I've finally given up and have called in sick for today's 13 hour shift 8am – 9pm (4 in a row every week, mostly standing, I get three 20 minute breaks…). I'm 90% sure I'm working what should be two shifts split between two workers, and to make matters worse I have to commute by bus for an hour during the school rush (frequently standing in a packed bus). The store I work at is rather upmarket and features a very wealthy clientele, that give me the the most disgusted looks, side eye and “coughs” as they enter the store and see me. I frequently see dozens of £100,000+ cars outside and the occasional supercar. Last week someone had left 3 small dogs attached on leashes to a pole at the entrance, I was standing 2 meters away,…

I've been working for a dodgy security company for two months, but I've finally given up and have called in sick for today's 13 hour shift 8am – 9pm (4 in a row every week, mostly standing, I get three 20 minute breaks…). I'm 90% sure I'm working what should be two shifts split between two workers, and to make matters worse I have to commute by bus for an hour during the school rush (frequently standing in a packed bus).

The store I work at is rather upmarket and features a very wealthy clientele, that give me the the most disgusted looks, side eye and “coughs” as they enter the store and see me. I frequently see dozens of £100,000+ cars outside and the occasional supercar. Last week someone had left 3 small dogs attached on leashes to a pole at the entrance, I was standing 2 meters away, an old woman approached me after doing her shopping and said ” Those dogs are so well trained, quietly standing for so long and staying in one place” and laughed in my face. The implication was that I was a dog.

The people working the aisles have grouped up against me for absolutely no reason (primal thinking, us and them mentality) and talk behind my back and avoid eye contact with me. Most of them are jaded middle aged people working retail so maybe it's natural?

To make matters worse this dodgy company has a bizzare payment system where they only pay me last month's wages on a specific day, and not every day I've worked beforehand. So they've only paid me three days wages (£330) over two months of work. April's wages will be paid on the 16th of May and so on….. I've tried to query but they never pick up (They can call me fine though!) and don't respond to emails.

I'm quitting this joke of a company, I literally would have been better off on the dole and NEET.

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