
An important note for those of us in Canada that are thinking about quitting without notice.

I often see a lot of American workers telling everyone to quit and fuck giving notice and I agree with your sentiments, however I want to make sure some of my fellow Canadians understand that legally they can't do this. Every province has their own standards for notice, and some don't require notice but some do, Manitoba being one of those. I've included the provincial standards below. In Canada there is something called “Wrongful Resignation” that you can be sued for if the employer can prove that your resignation caused financial damage, however it is not common practice. B.C. Alberta Saskatchewan Manitoba Ontario. Quebec N.B. Nova Scotia Newfoundland pg.34 P.E.I. N.W.T. Yukon Nunavut Some of these don't include any requirements from the employee to give notice, some do. Please read your respective provinces Employment Standards before pulling the trigger as you might be liable for damages if you leave without…

I often see a lot of American workers telling everyone to quit and fuck giving notice and I agree with your sentiments, however I want to make sure some of my fellow Canadians understand that legally they can't do this. Every province has their own standards for notice, and some don't require notice but some do, Manitoba being one of those. I've included the provincial standards below. In Canada there is something called “Wrongful Resignation” that you can be sued for if the employer can prove that your resignation caused financial damage, however it is not common practice.

Nova Scotia
Newfoundland pg.34

Some of these don't include any requirements from the employee to give notice, some do. Please read your respective provinces Employment Standards before pulling the trigger as you might be liable for damages if you leave without notice. I'm also not a lawyer, I'm just someone who is trying to help my fellow people. If anything here is wrong please let me know and I'll update it here in the post.

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