
Your manager is as pissed about his/her salary as you are about yours.

The competition for frontline labor and inflation is temporarily pushing up hourly wages while companies are making the people managing those employees shoulder some of that financial hit by not increasing their salaries to follow suit. Raises this year for salaried frontline managers have been lacking to say the least in relation to the people they are managing. Inflation hits us all. The gap between hourly and salary has been narrowing. Your manager is feeling this. A good manager will fight to raise their people's wages whenever they see the opportunity, just remember that some of them are on your side and are fighting the same fight for increased compensation that you are. Support each other to put the pressure where it belongs- in the executive board rooms. These are the assholes that are making the decisions that are leading to wage stagnation while getting fat on shit like stock…

The competition for frontline labor and inflation is temporarily pushing up hourly wages while companies are making the people managing those employees shoulder some of that financial hit by not increasing their salaries to follow suit.

Raises this year for salaried frontline managers have been lacking to say the least in relation to the people they are managing. Inflation hits us all. The gap between hourly and salary has been narrowing. Your manager is feeling this.

A good manager will fight to raise their people's wages whenever they see the opportunity, just remember that some of them are on your side and are fighting the same fight for increased compensation that you are.

Support each other to put the pressure where it belongs- in the executive board rooms. These are the assholes that are making the decisions that are leading to wage stagnation while getting fat on shit like stock buybacks.

Rant over.

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