
Workplace in the office stress here we go again and again

Hello, So here we go 🤦‍️ okay so I just got a new job and I left my last job due to it being a call center. Luckily this job there’s no phone calls however the micromanaging is going to be an issue I see . I don’t like working in an environment where’s there’s so many managers and sups trynna train you and then someone else comes in and tells you to do it another way. I had this happened today so I been in training for about a week and just had a sup or whatever teach me their way and tell me to do it that way when I learned it another way. Keep in mind just got told the way this sup wants it down and because I wasn’t moving fast enough it became an issue lol like I just learned your way wth!!! I’m tired…


So here we go 🤦‍️ okay so I just got a new job and I left my last job due to it being a call center. Luckily this job there’s no phone calls however the micromanaging is going to be an issue I see . I don’t like working in an environment where’s there’s so many managers and sups trynna train you and then someone else comes in and tells you to do it another way. I had this happened today so I been in training for about a week and just had a sup or whatever teach me their way and tell me to do it that way when I learned it another way. Keep in mind just got told the way this sup wants it down and because I wasn’t moving fast enough it became an issue lol like I just learned your way wth!!! I’m tired of this I move at my own pace once I get it then I got it I can’t learn something in one second and be perfect at it and because of this they want me to work with them tommrow the funny thing was I only had two files left and the sup basically made a big deal about it was hovering over me while I was doing it. I’m not going to lie this rubbed me the wrong way because I don’t find that fair at all these changes and different ways be throwing me off like why can’t I just do it my way or the way it was originally taught to me as long as we have the same outcome what’s the problem smh it’s always something in these workplaces it’s like they all the same I’m just real tired. Something really needs to be done and employees deserve to speak up about it and express how they feel not shun down in so tired just tired

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