
First Week…

So laid off about 6 months ago. Finally found a new job. Not exactly what I was looking for. Changing industries but kinda get to do my thing. And largely have to create a marketing/networking position. So come in and they know I’ll need to learn about their industry. Hear how sales people pitch the company/product all that good stuff. I think I’ve had a total of 2 hours of what one may call “training” and one ride along that lasted about two hours. I presently sit in an office on Friday that has maybe two other total people in it. I think I’m giving it till 11 and just sending them some notes I’ve taken on ideas and going home.

So laid off about 6 months ago. Finally found a new job. Not exactly what I was looking for. Changing industries but kinda get to do my thing. And largely have to create a marketing/networking position.

So come in and they know I’ll need to learn about their industry. Hear how sales people pitch the company/product all that good stuff. I think I’ve had a total of 2 hours of what one may call “training” and one ride along that lasted about two hours.

I presently sit in an office on Friday that has maybe two other total people in it. I think I’m giving it till 11 and just sending them some notes I’ve taken on ideas and going home.

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