
Annoying coworkers

So i've been working in my current place for a year. I'm friendly to everyone, and even like few of my coworkers and talk to them almost every day. Some others have questioned why i'm so silent with some people or don't talk to them in a non work related manner. Like how am i gonna say that there's few of you who i like, and i'm here to work, not socialize. I have my friends outside and i have no interest to befriend everyone here.

So i've been working in my current place for a year. I'm friendly to everyone, and even like few of my coworkers and talk to them almost every day. Some others have questioned why i'm so silent with some people or don't talk to them in a non work related manner. Like how am i gonna say that there's few of you who i like, and i'm here to work, not socialize. I have my friends outside and i have no interest to befriend everyone here.

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