
Boomers don’t understand the value of a dollar

I am a gardener and have worked for a boomer couple for just over a year doing mostly their lawn with a few odd jobs here and there. I have always charged them on the lower end because they are a nice couple, and the lawn is a tough one. Quoted a job for them today to add a couple of hours weeding per fortnight. I told them I would charge between $45-$75p/h depending on the work and they told me it was far too much. They went on to say that they had a girl who they only paid $20 an hour for, and another who charged $40 but they were both unreliable. I have never missed a lawn without good reason and have always communicated with them with updates. I asked a colleague of mine if he was interested and he said he'd charge $300 for 4 hours…

I am a gardener and have worked for a boomer couple for just over a year doing mostly their lawn with a few odd jobs here and there. I have always charged them on the lower end because they are a nice couple, and the lawn is a tough one.

Quoted a job for them today to add a couple of hours weeding per fortnight. I told them I would charge between $45-$75p/h depending on the work and they told me it was far too much.

They went on to say that they had a girl who they only paid $20 an hour for, and another who charged $40 but they were both unreliable. I have never missed a lawn without good reason and have always communicated with them with updates.

I asked a colleague of mine if he was interested and he said he'd charge $300 for 4 hours ($75p/h) so my offer is well within acceptable levels.

I was just quite surprised that people who I had done good work for before, who raved about me and how good a job I do and recommended me to another client would be so hung up on what would likely be an extra $5p/h to get someone they knew, was reliable, and has numerous qualifications to justify high cost.

Rant over.

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