
If you don’t listen to Behind the Bastards, this week’s topic is someone you might want to learn about

I've only just started listing to the episodes, so I can't give you a synopsis yet, but it's on Jack Welch, who basically destroyed the middle class and made it possible for CEOs to earn 500x the average worker and stripped your working rights away. He also died in 2020, but I don't know where he's buried, which is a shame, because we need more public toilets. Also, excellent podcast.

I've only just started listing to the episodes, so I can't give you a synopsis yet, but it's on Jack Welch, who basically destroyed the middle class and made it possible for CEOs to earn 500x the average worker and stripped your working rights away.

He also died in 2020, but I don't know where he's buried, which is a shame, because we need more public toilets.

Also, excellent podcast.

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