
Loaded guns, interview N bomb, and forklifts on the interstate. My worst boss ever

Oh boy. Steve. First things first, need to get this out of the way. Most of you will say “why did you take the job?”. Well, due to a disability, I have a very difficult time getting work. I had to take what I could get ASAP. Anyways! Fun story time. I was in a horrible place and needed work badly. My buddy owned a cabinetry company and offered me a job. I went in to interview with him and the co owner, a middle aged man named Steve. Within the first couple minutes in the interview, he loudly announces to me that he doesn’t allow “N***** music” in his warehouse. I gave him a shocked look, and he quickly moved on. I contemplated leaving right there, but I had zero money and a child to feed. Maybe he didn’t mean that way.. I’ll give him the benefit of the…

Oh boy. Steve.

First things first, need to get this out of the way. Most of you will say “why did you take the job?”. Well, due to a disability, I have a very difficult time getting work. I had to take what I could get ASAP.

Anyways! Fun story time. I was in a horrible place and needed work badly. My buddy owned a cabinetry company and offered me a job. I went in to interview with him and the co owner, a middle aged man named Steve. Within the first couple minutes in the interview, he loudly announces to me that he doesn’t allow “N***** music” in his warehouse. I gave him a shocked look, and he quickly moved on. I contemplated leaving right there, but I had zero money and a child to feed. Maybe he didn’t mean that way.. I’ll give him the benefit of the doubt.

About a month in, we had -10 degree weather with a -40 degree windchill. I ran this little warehouse alone and was freezing. I turned on our heater. Steve shows up and immediately asks why the heater was on. I told him “…because it’s in the negatives out there, I can’t feel my face.” He looks at me, pauses, and just says “….no.” And without another word, he shut down the heater, opened up the huge overhead door leading outside and left.

Later on down the road, he comes to me telling me that we need to move our forklift to a new warehouse about 5 miles away. He then told me to drive the forklift over there… on the highway. A MAJOR 6 lane highway in downtown Indianapolis. I told him no, and he threatened to fire me. I persisted, and he eventually moved it himself.

He came with me on a delivery in our box truck once. He told me to run every red light and stop sign on the way. I refused. He threatened to kick me out of the truck and make me walk. I refused again. Took him to his destination and never said another word as he berated me the whole way back.

A few weeks later, he found out that I was having my checks garnished incorrectly. While I waited for it to be fixed, Steve offered to loan me money. I thought, Wow… maybe he’s turning a new leaf.. But after I paid him back, he started taking $100 out of my check non stop for months. But every time I mentioned it, he claimed he had nothing to do with it. He then told me that if I kept asking he would take legal action against me.

I had it and was ready to quit. He came to me one day and told me that I was not allowed to leave until I found his missing handgun that was somewhere in our building. It was loaded. I immediately walked out. Steve eventually tried keeping my last check, but I was able to sneak it out.

That’s my story. Fuck Steve.

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