
Not sure what to do. Temporarily an ATT call center rep. Manager is misrepresenting recent calls and call reviews, now threatening me with discipline.

Had some recent call reviews with newish manager. Agreed I had established good rapport, asked lots of business questions, and made offers. On one which got abruptly ended early she asked me what I could have done better and I said I could have asked some questions and made offer sooner before he had to abruptly go. On another same feedback but she gave me some questions I could have also asked. A few days later coaching recaps would come through and it was completely different, saying I hadn't asked questions to lead to a bundled offer. I brushed these aside until last week. I asked her on the most recent coaching report if we could review the call, so we did on Friday, which showed some of what she wrote was wrong. I asked her some followup questions and eventually she got upset and told me she was warning…

Had some recent call reviews with newish manager. Agreed I had established good rapport, asked lots of business questions, and made offers. On one which got abruptly ended early she asked me what I could have done better and I said I could have asked some questions and made offer sooner before he had to abruptly go. On another same feedback but she gave me some questions I could have also asked. A few days later coaching recaps would come through and it was completely different, saying I hadn't asked questions to lead to a bundled offer. I brushed these aside until last week.

I asked her on the most recent coaching report if we could review the call, so we did on Friday, which showed some of what she wrote was wrong. I asked her some followup questions and eventually she got upset and told me she was warning me if this behavior continues (that she'd been claiming several of my earlier call reviews had uncovered) that there would be consequences. So she wrote up an “accountability” coaching session that mentioned some of these earlier call coaching sessions which she'd falsely written.

Not sure what my recourse is. Should I go to my union rep? Would the ethics line be a good route? I'm thinking someone has got to be able to independently review these calls and compare with her incorrect coaching sessions. I don't want to be retaliated against.

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