
Admin leave denied, must report for nothing.

I work in a facility that is absolutely reliant upon essential equipment such as radios and computers. This equipment is located on the 4th floor of the building where there just so happened to have been a massive water leak from the ceiling. All the equipment on that floor was devastatingly damaged to the point where my job is completely beyond recovery…. At least until the equipment is replaced/restored/fixed. Got a text from the facility manager (who happens to be the best manager I have ever worked with/for) that admin leave is approved because there’s absolutely no way to fulfill my duties today. Later that night got another text from the same manager…. His boss’s boss’s boss denied the admin leave, demanded everyone who didn’t work that day use their own personal vacation hours, and furthermore required everyone scheduled through the weekend to report to work anyways. We would literally…

I work in a facility that is absolutely reliant upon essential equipment such as radios and computers. This equipment is located on the 4th floor of the building where there just so happened to have been a massive water leak from the ceiling.

All the equipment on that floor was devastatingly damaged to the point where my job is completely beyond recovery…. At least until the equipment is replaced/restored/fixed.

Got a text from the facility manager (who happens to be the best manager I have ever worked with/for) that admin leave is approved because there’s absolutely no way to fulfill my duties today.

Later that night got another text from the same manager…. His boss’s boss’s boss denied the admin leave, demanded everyone who didn’t work that day use their own personal vacation hours, and furthermore required everyone scheduled through the weekend to report to work anyways.

We would literally show up to work to do absolutely nothing for 9 hours just because they feel that’s more valuable than staying home.

What…. The…. Fuck.

These people know nothing about what my job entails and how absolutely worthless this job is without the 100% essential radios and computers we need to perform.

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