
Wtf did I walk into??

It’s only my 2nd day here and this new job is already a total mess First off, they didn’t tell me my start date until the literal day before, in the form of a super messy email from an HR Guy. Then the next day (my first day) I overheard someone saying that same HR guy just quit, and were saying how they lost alot of good workers recently They were super unprepared when I came in my first day. It’s like they weren’t expecting me or something. I’m supposed to be shadowing this guy but he literally did not even acknowledge me and has taught me absolutely nothing so far. Later I asked the manager for help with something and he said he’ll be right back to fix it and he then left for 2 HOURS, I had to solve the issue myself which is ridiculous because I’m still…

It’s only my 2nd day here and this new job is already a total mess

First off, they didn’t tell me my start date until the literal day before, in the form of a super messy email from an HR Guy.

Then the next day (my first day) I overheard someone saying that same HR guy just quit, and were saying how they lost alot of good workers recently

They were super unprepared when I came in my first day. It’s like they weren’t expecting me or something. I’m supposed to be shadowing this guy but he literally did not even acknowledge me and has taught me absolutely nothing so far.

Later I asked the manager for help with something and he said he’ll be right back to fix it and he then left for 2 HOURS, I had to solve the issue myself which is ridiculous because I’m still in training

The coworkers seem horrible, everyone’s hairs always on fire and everything’s so chaotic for no reason. It’s a very stressful job but their attitudes are more annoying than the stress the job brings.

There seems to alot of nepotism going on here too, I’m pretty sure I’m the only one here who isn’t friends or family with someone. I feel like they don’t want me here cause of that.

Wtf is going in here? This is a mess and i literally just started

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