
I had Flu A and my 5yo son had Flu B. We both had vomiting and diarrhea and were burning with fever. I had given a note to my boss at the beginning of the week excusing me. He tried to fire me that week after 7 years of work.

My boss was understanding to a point about my FLU. Agreed with what the Dr said about when to return because i had sick time. My 3 year old son came down with FLU B and was just as bad as I had been. I tell my boss that I need to use vacation time to nurse him to health and then return. He told me that I should really have some other options when it comes to childcare. His daycare couldn't have taken him and his mother had kids of her own to protect. So I was the best and only option. I tried finding people to cover my shift but my boss said their time would be overtime and we couldn't afford time and a half pay plus regular pay. So I said what are my options then? There has to be something we can do so I…

My boss was understanding to a point about my FLU. Agreed with what the Dr said about when to return because i had sick time. My 3 year old son came down with FLU B and was just as bad as I had been.

I tell my boss that I need to use vacation time to nurse him to health and then return. He told me that I should really have some other options when it comes to childcare. His daycare couldn't have taken him and his mother had kids of her own to protect. So I was the best and only option. I tried finding people to cover my shift but my boss said their time would be overtime and we couldn't afford time and a half pay plus regular pay. So I said what are my options then? There has to be something we can do so I can care for my child. He said call your Mom and tell her if you are not here tomorrow you will be let go so she needs to watch them. I called HR and they said it would be no problem and that I should take care of my kid and to come to them with any issues.

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