
The world is a difficult place, so I understand why all of you are complaining all day about what you are “owed”.

But mostly it sounds like a bunch of entitled youth who think they deserve quarterly profit sharing or they should be the boss because you worked somewhere for a year, or you feel your skills are so valuable you deserve instant raises and rewards. If thats what you want be a co tractor and go sell your amazing skills to the world!! If your that good at what you do you will be in high demand. We are at the peak of humanity, people live 50 years longer then we used to, we have it so good as humans compared to living in most other time periods, at least in the last 2500 years. But the internet and instant gratification, and the change in society telling you every one gets a participation ribbon makes us forget that life is tough, and maybe you are not as valuable as a young…

But mostly it sounds like a bunch of entitled youth who think they deserve quarterly profit sharing or they should be the boss because you worked somewhere for a year, or you feel your skills are so valuable you deserve instant raises and rewards. If thats what you want be a co tractor and go sell your amazing skills to the world!! If your that good at what you do you will be in high demand.

We are at the peak of humanity, people live 50 years longer then we used to, we have it so good as humans compared to living in most other time periods, at least in the last 2500 years. But the internet and instant gratification, and the change in society telling you every one gets a participation ribbon makes us forget that life is tough, and maybe you are not as valuable as a young employee as you perceive.

It just sounds like a majority on this sub think they should be paid $50 an hour for menial work that does not require skill. I read a lot about how it should be, so why dont you go and do somethjng instead of sitting on reddit listning to each other complain.

Start a business as a contractor of your services if you wre so good and deserve more, do the sales and marketing and go get clients, balance the books, hire a bunch of complainers like yourselves and give it a whirl! Just stop making each other feel justified because you had a bad boss somewhere sometime, guess what, there are bad humans out there, and those that even make bad decisions, stop being one of them and do something about it.

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