
Upcoming Review Questions

I have an upcoming review and one of the questions listed is what are some changes I would like to see from leadership or the company. From the company I would def like to see better benefits like better insurance (current coverage is the WORST I’ve ever had) and at least give the option of cashing out my PTO when I hit my max instead of not letting me accrue anymore ya little cheapskates. But what else should I say? Doubt my voice will be heard, but 🤷‍️

I have an upcoming review and one of the questions listed is what are some changes I would like to see from leadership or the company.

From the company I would def like to see better benefits like better insurance (current coverage is the WORST I’ve ever had) and at least give the option of cashing out my PTO when I hit my max instead of not letting me accrue anymore ya little cheapskates.

But what else should I say? Doubt my voice will be heard, but 🤷‍️

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