
My work did a strike without me.

My work did a strike without me, I work in the back of a thrift store where I sort all the stuff out for them and apparently they were doing a strike up front cause of increasing hours cause we've been out a cashier or two and yesterday no one came in yesterday as a protest, the thing is they didn't tell me so me and the boss came in and I was just sorting and doing my job when the boss came and said no one else showed it was pretty cool though she said I could shut donations down and listen to my phone as I worked so that's what I did

My work did a strike without me, I work in the back of a thrift store where I sort all the stuff out for them and apparently they were doing a strike up front cause of increasing hours cause we've been out a cashier or two and yesterday no one came in yesterday as a protest, the thing is they didn't tell me so me and the boss came in and I was just sorting and doing my job when the boss came and said no one else showed it was pretty cool though she said I could shut donations down and listen to my phone as I worked so that's what I did

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