
Let the strike begin!

At my work we've been given a ridiculous work schedule out of nowhere (four ten hour shifts and two fifteen hour shifts) for three of ten departments. They have blacked out vacation requests, they're pushing people to work holidays (it's “voluntary” but we might let you go if you refuse) all because of a job we're doing for Walmart. Well, after they gave the other departments a raise we decided to strike. We're all refusing to come in until they're making reasonable schedules and meeting some basic rights. First day cost the company $250,000 at least. They're panicking because they can't operate and trying anything except meeting our requests. We're all letting them know we're happy to let them lose millions if they would like. Happy to have spear headed this strike myself.

At my work we've been given a ridiculous work schedule out of nowhere (four ten hour shifts and two fifteen hour shifts) for three of ten departments. They have blacked out vacation requests, they're pushing people to work holidays (it's “voluntary” but we might let you go if you refuse) all because of a job we're doing for Walmart. Well, after they gave the other departments a raise we decided to strike.

We're all refusing to come in until they're making reasonable schedules and meeting some basic rights. First day cost the company $250,000 at least.

They're panicking because they can't operate and trying anything except meeting our requests. We're all letting them know we're happy to let them lose millions if they would like.

Happy to have spear headed this strike myself.

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